COVID-19 Update - 3-13-20
March 13, 2020
Dear NEW HOPE CHURCH members and attendees,
In our statement yesterday, we mentioned that we had no plans to cancel our worship services this weekend. However, since then we have decided to adapt this weekend’s schedule. We have decided to cancel both Preschool and Kids classes this weekend. In addition, we are cancelling the 6 PM service. We will have our 4 PM worship gathering.
We recognize that cancelling Preschool and Kids will cause many to stay at home and not join us for public worship. Therefore, we will be broadcasting our 4 PM worship gathering on Facebook Live. Please go to our Facebook page at 4 PM and you will see the live broadcast there ( We encourage the vulnerable amongst us to stay home and watch the live broadcast.
In addition, Community Group Leaders, we have registered our church for an online video chat service. If you desire to meet online via video, please contact me and I will help your group get set up so that you can continue to meet in the coming weeks safely from your home.
There is a high probability that this schedule, stated above, will continue at least until Easter. Therefore, we will continue to communicate ways to stay connected. For starters, we encourage all of you to get into contact with your Community Group leader. If you are healthy, I think it would be a great idea to meet as a Community Group to worship together each Sunday @ 4 PM. It is helpful that we have Community Groups so that we can continue to be in community with a smaller and safer population in a room. If you are not in a Community Group, go to this link to find out how to get involved —
We do not make these changes out of fear, but as an attempt to be respectful to local and state authorities, and as an attempt to keep those most vulnerable amongst us safe. We trust God’s sovereignty in this season and walk in the hope of the gospel.
Prayers of blessings,
Pastor Jonathan & Pastor Ajay